Ritz Crackers 200g

por Ritz
43,40 kr

70 % menos de grasa saturada que otras galletas saladas en promedio. Crackers salados con sabor a la boca con el sabor de ritz único que le encantará, versátil y adecuado para cualquier ocasión, ya sea que las supere o las coma fuera de la caja, es imprescindible para cualquier reunión familiar, adecuada para vegetarianos.


Harina de trigo, aceite de girasol 22 %, azúcar, jarabe de glucosa-fructosa, agentes de elevación (fosfatos de calcio, carbonatos de amonio, carbonatos de sodio, carbonatos de potasio), sal, harina de malta de cebada, levadura seca

Información sobre la alergia

Puede contener huevos, puede contener leche y puede contener sésamo. Apto para vegetarianos

Información nutricional

Valores típicos

100 gramos

25 g (aprox. 7 galletas saladas)

%Ri ** / 25 g (aprox. 7 galletas salidas)


2051 KJ

513 KJ

490 kcal

122 kcal

6 %


23 g

5.8 g

8 %

de los cuales se satura

2.6 g

0.7 g

4 %


62 g

16 g

6 %

de los cuales azúcares

8.3 g

2.1 g

2 %


2.2 g

0.6 g



7.2 g

1.8 g

4 %


1.30 g

0.33 g

6 %

** Ingesta de referencia de un adulto promedio

(8400 kj / 2000 kcal)

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Rebecca Maloney
Ritz Crackers

While in London, I noticed the different texture and taste of Ritz crackers from the ones I buy in the USA. Although the taste was the same as in the UK, the size of the box and the lack of sleeves for the crackers inside the box left me wanting more. I was glad to share with my family the better cracker served in the UK, I won't purchase again.

Anne Zinn Osborne
I refused delivery

As you had lied about paying the customs charges I had the package returned to you in April and have never received the refund. Your shop is bullshit and you lie when you state that shopping with you is hassle and customs free. Anne

Recientemente viste

Claro recientemente visto

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Rebecca Maloney
Ritz Crackers

While in London, I noticed the different texture and taste of Ritz crackers from the ones I buy in the USA. Although the taste was the same as in the UK, the size of the box and the lack of sleeves for the crackers inside the box left me wanting more. I was glad to share with my family the better cracker served in the UK, I won't purchase again.

Anne Zinn Osborne
I refused delivery

As you had lied about paying the customs charges I had the package returned to you in April and have never received the refund. Your shop is bullshit and you lie when you state that shopping with you is hassle and customs free. Anne